Foliar fertilizer supplements
& Soil amendments
Securing your yields by optimizing eco-alternative fertilization

Guarantee the assimilation of nutrients by the plant
Providing the plant with major elements and trace elements is essential to its development, but that's not enough. A high level of assimilation of minerals, phosphorus, potash, and nitrogen by plants is the key to securing your agricultural yields.
Fertilux offers eco-productive and innovative fertilization solutions, allowing nutrients to be fully assimilated by plants.
Solutions of natural plant origin

Foliar fertilization supplements
Optimal absorption of nutrients by the plant thanks to the native components of our CalkoFlow® premix, which generates a natural chelation generating:
- Anticipation of plant nutritional stress
- Rapid penetration into leaves and sap
- Presence and protection of all trace elements
- Improvement of the Real Used Coefficient of the fertilizing units by the plant
Soil amendments
Optimal root nutrition of plants thanks to the improvement of the structure and fertility of the soil, resulting in:
- Correction of soil pH
- Development of microbial life
- Water and air circulation
- Absorption of fertilizer units and trace elements

Nutrient challenges of plants
By meeting the nutritional challenges of plants, Fertilux foliar fertilizer supplements and soil amendments optimize the level of nutrient uptake by plants.
Interdependence of trace elements
All the trace elements are interdependent. Iron, boron, zinc, magnesium, manganese, sulfur, calcium, copper, or even molybdenum are all crucial elements for plant growth. However, according to Liebig's law: if one of these elements is missing, all the other minerals present are useless.
Soil neutrality
A soil that is too acidic or too alkaline greatly reduces the assimilation of fertilizers, in particular the phosphorus element and trace elements, by the plant. The soil must have a pH close to 7 so that the plant can fully benefit from the phosphorus, nitrogen, potash and oligo in the soil reservoir.
Plant recognition
Plants more easily recognize natural plant-based fertilization formulas thanks to their native components. This recognition results in a wide opening of the stomata on the leaves, thus promoting the penetration of fertilization solutions into the sap of the plant and the assimilation of nutrients.
Nutrition Solution
The plant may temporarily stop feeding from its roots when it experiences nutritional stress such as drought. The origins of nutritional stress are varied. Two solutions can be implemented to respond to this: feeding the plant through the leaves, or solving, if possible, the problem generating the stress.
What they say
Research, innovations and on-farm trial
By optimizing the efficiency of eco-alternative fertilization solutions, Fertilux offers unique innovations. These innovations are tested in the open field in cooperative groups. The results of the brand's solutions are visible in a pilot farm in Luxembourg, which can be visited during our training days on biological soil fertility.

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